Monday, October 13, 2014

About Me

Michael Giannotti. Music snob (according to everyone but me). Drummer. Rutgers '17. Future special education teacher. Calvin and Hobbes enthusiast. I love the cold weather and pizza.


  1. Your website exhibits a lot of potential. Your categories are fun and creative. However, I feel as though a brief description of each of the sections of your website might help users contribute in a purposeful way. I also think, that if you are able to, you should switch your posts from blog posts to pages. This will help your website be consistent, organized, and easily navigable.

    Your description of your self is brief but pleasant and fun to read. I would like to see this unique/personal characteristics come out in the website design and color as well. Perhaps adding a background photo or more color can help.

    Other than that, I look forward to what this site has to offer! It is definitely a unique forum with a lot of potential for music lovers and musicians.

  2. Mike, your website seems to have good structure and it's pretty simple to navigate. Great job with the layout and design. Pumped to see how it will look once you develop each tab and actually put real substance to your blog. Keep up the good work, and maybe consider adding some color/character to the home page, it's a little bland.
