Monday, October 13, 2014

Lyric Lounge

Here's where you can talk about your favorite lyrics! This is a judgement free zone. If there are lyrics that have meaning to you, then post them here, maybe post the song too, so we can all listen! Tell us why these words mean so much to you, how and when you first heard the song, and for extra credit, analyze the lyrics!

Here's mine!

Somewhere between single life and sympathy, you will find me, you will find me from the song, "Midnight: Carroll Street", by Into It. Over It.

About Me

Michael Giannotti. Music snob (according to everyone but me). Drummer. Rutgers '17. Future special education teacher. Calvin and Hobbes enthusiast. I love the cold weather and pizza.

New Music

Here's where you can post about any new music that you've stumbled upon and would like to share and recommend with fellow users! This is a judgement free zone.

Here's mine!

I recently discovered a band called The Jazz June. They were a seminal emo band from the 90's, and they were active from 1997-2002, but they recently recorded a new album with Evan Weiss (the man behind the project, Into It. Over It.) and signed to Topshelf Records to release the new album.

Weekly Discussions

Every week, I will be posting a different topic of discussion so everyone can weigh in on what their opinion is. Feel free to comment on another users post as well! This is a judgement free zone.

Here's a sample discussion question from last year:

What was the first band/artist/song that got you into the music you listen to today? Was it your parents, hearing the song on the radio, picking up a random CD when you were a kid? Anything!